How to Exercise Your Back to Make it Strong
The problem with back training is that we cannot see the muscles being trained, which often leads to their underdevelopment. Therefore, success in back development depends on how well we can make the connection between the muscles and the mind.
To strengthen the back, it is important to keep it in a strong position to minimize the risk of injury. This position is similar to when we lift a heavy box off the ground. Do not slouch forward and do not arch your back back too much. Keep your back straight, chest out and shoulders back.
Practicing the scapulae movement daily will help hone this technique.
Here are some exercises that will help:
Shoulder Training:
Drop Sets
Rest Pause Training
Giant Sets
Shoulder Strengthening:
Side Dumbbell Laterals
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Rear Dumbbell Laterals
Military Press Above The Head
Front Dumbbell Raises
45 Degree Bench One Arm Side Laterals
Strengthen your back:
T-Bar Rowing
Seated Cable Rowing
One Arm Cable Rowing
Bent over Barbell and Dumbbell Rows
Bent over Shrugs
Widen your back:
Cable Pull Downs
Cable Pull Down Shrugs