Ultima Pharmaceuticals Steroids



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Ultima-T3 from Ultima Pharmaceuticals is originally a medicinal hormone drug (a drug of the thyroid hormone group), also widely used as a sport dope. In sports practice, it is effectively taken by all genders (male and female), ages (over 18 years), physical fitness levels and experiences with sports pharmacology (from beginners to professional athletes). The goal of purchasing this product is usually weight loss, so it is used primarily for cutting cycles.

The active substance in the composition of this drug is Liothyronine - a synthetic analogue of the natural hormone triiodothyronine (T3), the active form of thyroid hormones, which has the main biological effect. Liothyronine was approved for human prescribing, as: when the recommendations are followed, it differs predominantly over the side effect; It is not a steroid, and do not possesses androgenic properties, especially a narcotic, addictive, component.

Ultima-T3 effects:

Accelerates metabolism;
Enhances heat production;
Burns fat;
Increases the hardness and texture of muscles;
Stimulates the central nervous system;
Reduces the need for sleep;
Increases physical performance.

Ultima-T3 reviews are only positive, because the product effectively cope with its tasks, on the impact of bypassing the majority of analogs, including specially designed for sports pharmacological fat burners.

It is important that T3 (Liothyronine) acts naturally (as a natural thyroid hormone triiodothyronine - T3) without provoking reactions foreign to the body. But there are potential side effects, so it is extremely important to follow the recommendations established by experienced athletes and doctors. Otherwise, uncontrolled administration of this drug leads to the development of complications from increased sweating to osteoporosis of bones.

Ultima-T3 Dosage and Administration

Effective T3 doses are only individually selected: usage, typically starts with the minimum amount of drug (from 5-25 to 50 mcg per day), and then gradually increase the amount (by 5-25 to 50 mcg per day) up to determine the optimal dosage. Such a scheme of reception allows to avoid the risk of insufficiency or, on the contrary, excessive product, which in both cases is fraught with consequences.

The duration of taking T3 is also an individual matter, hanging from the need and tolerance of the substance by the body. On average, the course continues to 4-8 (6) weeks, which is enough for most athletes to form pronounced results without provoking critical complications.

T3's solo cycle is a rare practice. For maximum progress in sports, athletes combine this drug with Yohimbine, Clenbuterol, even anabolic and androgenic steroids. Such cycles allow achieving a powerful synergetic effect, but accordingly increase the risks of side effects, as a consequence, are recommended mainly to experienced athletes.

Solo or combined T3 reception is passed without any problems, advanced users recommend to be surveyed and consult with a specialist, for eliminating the possibility of contra-indications: hypersensitivity to the components in the composition of this drug, untreated hyperthyroidism, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, myocarditis, cachexia, as well as untreated adrenal insufficiency - for both sexes.

Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. For adults only.

CLASSIFICATION Thyroid hormone
DOSAGE 25-100mcg/day

Steroid Use in Recreational Fitness: Considerations for Noncompetitive Individuals

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Steroid use is becoming an increasingly popular practice in the fitness industry around the world, including not only professional athletes but also amateurs and beginners. However, serious problems arise when people with little knowledge start using steroids without proper help and think that they know everything. In this article, we will talk about the motivation, risks and decision making that should underlie the use of steroids by non-professional people who are involved in fitness at gyms or other places. 

Main goal for steroid use in recreational fitness may be related to aesthetics, such as the desire to have a muscular and well-conditioned body in accordance with societal standards of beauty. Steroids are seen as a means of rapid muscle growth and improving muscle shape. Also, some people seek to improve their strength, endurance and overall physical performance to excel in their workouts or recreational activities such as sports or hobbies. Unrealistic expectations, a competitive mentality, and misinformation about the benefits of steroids can also drive motivation to use them for recreational fitness. etc.

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very effective product, delivery received in 18 days after purchase, amazing !!!!


I started with 5mcg three times daily at 6am, 12pm and 6pm to asses my tolerance and body's reaction. And what y'all know, it worked wonders

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